As I returned from Christmas break, my mind is pondering about our school's annual MLK Celebration. It's a time when I try to make Dr. King's message relate to my student's life in a meaningful way. To get my students understand, in a world so full of hated and yelling, that Dr. King's message is POWERFUL today.
To help me remember Dr. King's message I have been listening to his Methodist Student Leadership Conference Address. Unlike his I Have A Dream speech, this speech is more lengthy. So, I've been listening to it on my lunch breaks and on my prep. Yes, more than once.
In this speech Dr King explains the success of the non-violence movement and the power of love. He explains why as a society we must care of each other.
Also, this speech addresses why I am a teacher (maybe you too). Why it is important to help ALL my students succeed. Why public education is so important to our society. Finally, if you listen carefully to this speech, we can hear the whispers of the I Have A Dream Speech and his Mountain Top speech in this speech.
As a fellow educator, I know how busy your day is and how you have so much to accomplish...But take a few minutes and listen to this speech. MLK's Methodist Student Leadership Conference Address
Also, if you are looking for some engaging MLK Day lessons, check out the Social Studies Super Store. Here is one lesson you might want to review. MLK Lesson
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