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Monday, January 25, 2016

The Gift of Failure - Chapter Two

Chapter 2 reflections from the Gift of Failure.

In a nut shell, this chapter centers upon intrinsic motivation.  Layeh calls this the "The holy grail of parenting."  I would add to that it is the holy grail in teaching also.

Lahey points out to many different students and examples of how bribing students to change their behavior has negative outcomes.  No matter what the case or circumstance.  In fact, when it comes to paying your son or daughter for completing their homework, Layeh emphatically states, "..if you want your child to stop doing his homework, pay him got good grades."

Why?  Lahey states that rewards are perceived as being attempts to control behavior.  And, nobody likes to be controlled, especially teenagers.

But, when students have goals, the reverse it true.  But, setting goals MUST be taught.  When I coached soccer at the high school level, we spent two days in the classroom writing goals.  Yes, these were days we did not practice, but spent refining the art of writing goals.

There is so much more to setting goals which Layeh doesn't cover in chapter two, but it must be pointed out achievable, realistic, and measurable goals must be established by the students.

This leads to a changing mind set and how important HOW we give praise is SO important.  We want to praise things like hard work, and not being smart.  Layeh states "Praise them for their resilience and the effort they make to recover from their mistakes."

What do you think?  Any ideas?  Looking forward to your ideas...

And, there is more to come in Chapter Three.

PS.  Looking for SUPER social studies resources, activities, movie guides?  Check it out at

Friday, January 22, 2016

Thougths from "The Gift of Failure"- Chapter 1

I am very excited about reading The Gift of Failure by Jessica Lahey.  Why? Because it challenges how I teach and how I parent.  Also, some of the ideas in the book reinforces some of those ideas I already have about teaching and parenting...


In Chapter One Lahey builds the ground work for understanding where American parents may have gotten it wrong in their understanding of child rearing.  

But, before I explore some ideas that challenged me, some of Lahey's historical information was very interesting.  She cites John Locke and Thomas Paine as early pioneers in child rearing....Yes, the same men we associate with government philosophy and political hell raising. As a student and teacher of government I thought this was interesting.

MOVING ON:  One idea Lahey explored was popular in the 70s and 80s was known as "attachment parenting."  This parental philosophy believed "children should be in a sling 24/7", always near the parent.  Lahey explained this was the outgrowth of the need for a strong bond between the parent and the child.  Some feared the lack of bonding would create an unstable child, and thus an unstable adult.  These fears, as Lahey pointed out, were reinforced in news programs showing neglected children in over crowed, neglected Romanian orphanages form this time.  Also, guilt helped reinforce these notions, as more women entered the workforce and found less time to be with their children.

This idea did not challenged my ideas, for I knew of some parents who believed in this philosophy.  Instead this challenged the reality of my life as child.  Being that my mother was raising five children without a husband in the 70s.  In 1972, my father died in a car accident and my mother was thrown into the workforce after staying home many years raise us.  My mother, who never graduated from high school, worked many different types of jobs, during all times of the day or night.  So, she had no way she could keep up us in a "sling."  

This being the case, might this explain why I am so different from my peers and my outlook upon life...


There were many in Chapter One.  So many, I will simply list them:
  • American based their parental actions based upon what made them feel good, and not what was best for their child.  Need I say anything more about this?
  • Parents trying to be a "friend" to their child.  Wait, I don't want a friend who is twenty years younger than me.  If I do, there is something wrong with me...
  • The biggest "NO DUH" - "..parents who out a priority on saving kids from frustration and teachers who put a priority on challenging their students often butt heads, and consequently, the parent-teacher partnership had reached a breaking point." I have experience this so many times as a teacher.
This being said, I could see time when parents might need to step in.  Also, there might be personal "hang ups" a parent might have about certain things.  And, these "hang ups"might give parents justification to bail a child out.  Tell me what you think?

More posts are to come as I continued reading this very interesting book!

BY THE WAY: Looking for some SUPER social studies actives, lessons, video notes, task cards, and so much more, visit my store: SOCIAL STUDIES SUPER STORE.

Friday, January 15, 2016

2016 Dr. King Celebration Video

As promised, our 2016 Dr. King celebration video.  Please take a minute to view it.
Happy Dr. King day!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Martin Luther King Resources and COOL Video....

Oh, how I love Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

In our school district we have school.  For many years I was frustrated by this fact.  I, and my students must go to school, when I should be free from work to celebrate this wonderful day. A day of reflection, a day participating in local marches, and a day when I could be with my family.

But then, after some reflection I have had a change of heart.  After all, this day is a day of ACTION.  A day to share with vision of Dr. King.  So, what better place to share it than with my students! So we have activities dealing around Dr. King's message of love, tolerance, and acceptance.
So, at my school, I am in charge of the Dr. King celebration.

This being the case, let me share a wonderful video I and my students made and we showed during our Dr. King celebration.    This video was a powerful message about Dr. King's message of love and nonviolence.  The students enjoyed making and it engaged them in the message! Please feel free to use this video if you like. :)

This year we will make another video....stay tune for the new video in the next few days! The message will be a little different than this video....I can't wait to share.

Also, if you are looking for some classroom activities for Martin Luther King Day, please feel free to use any of these.
High School Common Core-Text Dependent Questions for MLK's         

SPOT THE IMPOSTURE: Dr. Martin Luther King

Click here for Spot the Imposture
Click here for MLK Text Dependent Questions activity             

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Federalists Papers Made Easy!

I love teaching using primary sources like the Federalists Papers.  I tell my students that reading the Federalists Papers allows us to understand the true thinking behind the Constitution.  Students, when they understand the Federalists Papers, walk away with a superior understanding and appreation of our government.
Federalist No. 10 Text Dependent Questions
But the key is when they understand the Federalists Papers.  Let's be honest, reading and comprehending these important documents take time and can be difficult.

But, I have a solution!

I have created a close reading guide and text dependent questions for Federalist No. 10.  The document is on the left side of the paper, while the questions are next specific area where students can find the answers are on the right side.  Also, I have highlighted words from the text and provided definitions to key words that students might not understand.  Finally, I created follow-up questions to review key points of Federalist No. 10.

All this breaks down the challenges of understand Federalist No. 10 for students..

This activity can be found at

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Preparing for Martin Luther King Day

As I returned from Christmas break, my mind is pondering about our school's annual MLK Celebration.  It's a time when I try to make Dr. King's message relate to my student's life in a meaningful way.  To get my students understand, in a world so full of hated and yelling, that Dr. King's message is POWERFUL today.

To help me remember Dr. King's message I have been listening to his Methodist Student Leadership Conference Address.  Unlike his I Have A Dream speech, this speech is more lengthy.  So, I've been listening to it on my lunch breaks and on my prep.  Yes, more than once.

In this speech Dr King explains the success of the non-violence movement and the power of love. He explains why as a society we must care of each other.

Also, this speech addresses why I am a teacher (maybe you too).  Why it is important to help ALL my students succeed.  Why public education is so important to our society.  Finally, if you listen carefully to this speech, we can hear the whispers of the I Have A Dream Speech and his Mountain Top speech in this speech.

As a fellow educator, I know how busy your day is and how you have so much to accomplish...But take a few minutes and listen to this speech. MLK's Methodist Student Leadership Conference Address

Also, if you are looking for some engaging MLK Day lessons, check out the Social Studies Super Store.  Here is one lesson you might want to review.  MLK Lesson
High School Common Core-Text Dependent Questions for MLK's