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Saturday, March 4, 2017

I need grit to teach grit...

So here are the things I'm doing in my classroom to make the grit connections:

Google Forms - Grit Reflection Sheet
1) I understand teaching grit requires changing my environment.  This means using terms such as growth mindset, fearless, and the power of yet in my classroom, as much as possible - each and everyday.  I am constantly seeking ways to use these terms and make grit relate to my students' life.

2) I have created a Google Form for the Grit Reflection Sheet.  This helps me collate and analyze the data from my students.  This also makes storing the information much easier.  So now I can track one student, track one class, or all the classes.  If all goes well, I should see more students making their goals.

3) I have enlisted the help of my colleagues. When I gather grit data from my student Grit Reflection Sheets, I share it with my colleagues.  I ask my colleagues to seek out students who specifically cite their classes as an area where a goal was set and achieved.  This way students can see grit being reaffirmed by other teachers.

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