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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Three reasons Multiple Intelligence works in the classroom....

Lately, there has been some rumbling about the lack of evidence which Multiple Intelligence (MI) can play in benefiting students.
I agree.  The evidence seems to show little direct correlation between increase student achievement and the use of MI in the class.

But that being said, it is important to understand how key it is to use different learning modalities in the classroom.  How breaking assignments into different learning styles breathes fresh air into the classroom.  By understand MI learning styles a teacher's toolbox expands exponentially.  Instead of simply having students complete a worksheet to demonstrate their understanding of a concept, students may draw a picture pf the concept, or create a song, or write a poem to demonstrate their understanding.  In short, MI allows a teacher many resources to assess students learning.

Secondly, who does not love choices?  With more tools in a teacher's box, the easier it is to give students choices.  And, there is evidence to support student choices will raise achievement scores. Students are sold on the assignments since they have chosen the assignment to complete.  So in my classroom students may write a poem about a key concept.  I have a standard rubric which I use and I can easily modify it for a specific lesson.  Or, students can demonstrate the ideas in a talk show format, or present it to the class in Google presentation.  Again, I have rubrics which I can quickly modify for these assignments for a particular lesson.  From the students perspective, the idea of choice is exciting.  And, excitement in the classroom creates engaged students!

Finally, by using different learning modalities in the classroom, it allows students to demonstrate to their peers what their talent might be.  In my tiny school, we do not have an art department.  So those students who might excel in art do not have any way to show their peers their talent.  But, when I give these students the opportunity to create a hand drawn postage stamp of a historical event, these students SHINE.

MI may not translates directly into greater achievements.  Some studies have shown this.  But, as we know, it can have a positive outcomes on our students lives and their learning.  Different learning modalities is important to understand and use daily in our classrooms.

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