Here are the BIG three items I've reflected upon about Chapter 3....
#1 - Lahey points out that children need time to think and that mistakes are part of the process. She states, "...but if we show our kids that mistakes are part of the process of learning, they will be more positive about their abilities and better able to bounce back from mistakes in future attempts. If we teach them that messing up means the world will crumble around them, we only succeed in reinforcing fear of failure." Where do students learn when the complete a high stakes test?
#2 - Lahey says to "love them when they have messed up, because that's when they need our support the most." YES! I get this, and so do so many other teachers. But, what about the single parent who just come home from their second job, and they were hoping to get some rest. But, instead they come home to a wash machine over flowing with soap and suds as their child was trying to help with laundry. As I type this, I can say I might laugh. But that parent who is tired, and needing to deal with ANOTHER issue, they might not be very patient.
#3-The no brainer....give children chores to do at home. My sons have chores, but so many of my students do NOT have chores. Their parents do EVERYTHING for them. I understand that it might be easier to do the task yourself. But completing the task is not the issue. Rather give make the child a contributing member of the family. For later in their life, they will be contributing members of society. After all, the "the goal is for children to learn how to do for themselves, not for the task to get done."
What do you think?
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